The Seignanx’ Tourist Office displays the Trademark Qualité Tourisme. The Qualité Tourisme trademark is awarded on a voluntary basis to tourism professionals for their hospitality and service quality. Awarded by the government (the Tourism Division of the Directorate General for Enterprise at the Ministry for the Economy and Finance), through the involvement of its many private sector and institutional partners. Establishments applying for the Qualité Tourisme™ trademark must comply with the brand’s values and guarantee :

-A warm welcome
-Helpful staff
-Foreign languages spoken
-Personal service
-Clear, accurate information
-Cleanliness and comfort
-Destination information
-That your opinion counts
-Be rated if their business activity is subject to regulatory classification (hotels, tourist residences, tourist offices, etc.)
-Put customers first (handling complaints, customer satisfaction survey, analysis of online reputation, etc.)
-Be audited using national benchmarks (between 250 and 600 assessment criteria) by an independent external firm on a regular basis (once every 5 years)
-Achieve a minimum score of 85% during this inspection, which is conducted by a mystery guest

Tourist Office classified – Category II

The Ministry of Economy, Finance and Industry has established classification’ criterias for Tourist offices (Decree of 12/11/10). The staff and administrators of the Tourist Office of the Seignanx undertake to respect the classification criteria of category II :

-To provide an easily accessible reception space and information space.
-Facilitate the search process.
-Offer you furniture to sit on.
-Inform you free of charge about the local tourist offer.
-Offer free wifi access.
-Show, spread their opening periods expressed in at least two foreign languages.
-Open 250 days/year, Saturdays and Sundays included in tourist or entertainment period.
-Answer all year round.
-Providing a permanent reception service by qualified personnel (2 foreign languages).
-Ensure the supply of tourist maps, maps and tourist guides on paper.
-Give you access to its website (3 languages).
-Disseminate tourist information in 3 languages (accommodation, monuments, places of leisure, entertainment, emergencies)
-Update your tourist information annually.
-Show emergency phone numbers.
-Present the entire qualified offer of your intervention area for all customers.
-Address your complaints and measure your satisfaction.
-To respect a quality approach.
-Provide you with a stay counselor.
-Ensure the reliability and timeliness of local tourist information.

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