Gastronomy is first and foremost the product itself. As the Seignanx is located between the  Landes and the Basque Country, enjoy a wide range of local products that are signs of Quality : AOP, IGP, Label Rouge… They can be found in the 4 corners of the Seignanx : on market stalls, on restaurant menus, on counters of the “casetas”, on festive tables, in school cafeterias, corporate restaurants, food trucks… Here are some useful information and links that will delight your taste buds: bon appétit !

Serveral local producers offer a variety of typical products from the region, such as axoa, pâté, saffron, honey, spread, and of course, wine ! You can easily find them in our office. Our team is ready to recommend you right as you pass the door and indicate where you can find these local producers, so come find us ! You can also find multiple local markets that take place every day a week (morning or afternoon) around the Seignanx.

In our shop, you will find a variety of typical products from thr region including sweet pepper of the basque country and Seignanx. But also duck from Sainte-Marie-de-Gosse. Would you like to taste some wine ? Produce in Capbreton directly in the sand. You can also find chocolate, saffron, mushrooms, french “pâté”…. choice is yours !


Saint-Martin-de-Seignanx on Saturday morning (from 8am to 1pm) – Place Jean Rameau
Ondres on Sunday morning (from 8am to 1pm) – Place Richard Feuillet
Tarnos on Tuesday morning (from 8am to 1pm) – Place Alexandre Viro

And every first sunday of the month : Biaudos convivial market (from 8am to 1pm) – Halle de Biaudos



Les Landes are very popular with top chefs, who find iconic “high quality” products such as duck (foie gras, duck breast, etc.), sand asparagus that “spikes” in the spring, powerful kiwis that grow in winter, beef of Chalosse or the Blonde of Aquitaine side cattle, sweet peppers… not to mention the fish, crustaceans and chipirons of the port of Capbreton.

These products serve as the basis for traditional recipes such as garbure, omelette aux piments, piperade, confit, foie-gras, tourtière or pastis…


Other landscapes, other products, other customs… As soon as you cross the bridge over the Adour, the food in your plate changes completely. They display pig (Bayonne ham), the essential sheep cheese, Pyrenean trout, chocolate (cocoa has entered France through the port of Bayonne), etc. Whereas Espelette pepper systematically (and advantageously)  replaces pepper.

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